Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Happy holidays to one and all!!!

Christmas in NYC, 2008
Originally uploaded by thegirlio

Just wanted to wish everyone a very Happy Holiday!

I hope that you take some time to enjoy the spirit of the season.

Friday, December 12, 2008

RIP Bettie and Van...

So sad to see you both go...
Goodbye Bettie Page.

Goodbye Van Johnson.
If you haven't already seen the movie, "The Last Time I Saw Paris" seriously must, it's so romantic and sad.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Hot Rocks: labradorite, Evan Dando and Eddie Vedder

girlio labradorite stick earrings

I have an affinity for gems/beads/shells that look kind of quiet and mysterious but shine nonetheless. I love using labradorite in my pieces just for that reason. It is a feldspar mineral that is a dark cool gray color with surprising flashes of purple, green yellow and blue. Please take a looksie at the labradorite earrings I created last night: Elegant Labradorite Stick Earrings.

I don't know about you, but when I make jewelry, work on my website or blog, I like to listen to music. Music can be so inspiring and Victoria Williams is one of my favorite musicians. I am a huge fan of hers because she makes beautiful songs about finding the positive in the negative and beauty in what most people would probably find mundane. She is a multiple sclerosis sufferrer and it was the benefit album, "Sweet Relief" that introduced me to her music. While doing a search for her on youtube, I found some performances by Evan Dando from The Lemonheads (talk about a hot rock-er!) and Eddie Vedder from Pearl Jam (another hot rock-er!) covering her songs. Amazing! Have a great weekend.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

All types of cameos...

girlio cameo red flower necklace
I recently made a small collection of cameo jewelry. I paired the lacquered cameos with antiqued gold plated filigrees. I have been reading about the history of cameos and it's interesting to find out that they date back to 300 years before the birth of Christ. They were first believed to have hailed from Egypt and all sorts of people wore them, including women from the Hellenistic era to Napoleon.

Speaking of cameos, this Cameo dates back to the 1980's and his red thong always makes laugh.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Fadingflowers Paperie

etsy fadingflowers paperie

I love walking into Kate's Paperie just to finger all the lovely paper goods they have to offer. As a child, before the advent of e-mail, I used to collect stationery and write long detailed letters to my friends, family and pen pals. Though, I still admire stationery and imagine all the lovely notes I could write to all of my dear buddies now-a-days, I have come to face the sad truth...that I am a just not a hand-written note kind of gal.

However, to my surprise, something changed all of that. I have always been a fan of Mrs. Fading Flower's lovely hand printed handmade goods but her new Christmas cards sold me. They were so cute and reminded me of simpler times, that my passion for the art/act of picking up a ball point pen to commit words to paper was reignited. Okay, so I am being a bit dramatic here....but oh my....her cards are so cute!

I received my beautiful handmade/printed cards in the mail yesterday from Fading Flowers' Etsy shop and was floored. I look forward to sending out my Christmas cards this year! So lovely and beautifully packaged. Make great gifts for your loved ones. Go buy yourself some lovely cards pronto!

Saturday, November 29, 2008


"Natural" Pools in the Atlantic Ocean...
Originally uploaded by thegirlio

Ever since I went to Portugal earlier this year, I have been wanting to plan another trip overseas. Thankfully, PBS's show, "Spain on the Road Again" has been keeping me temporarily satiated. Mario Batali, Mark Bittman, Gwenyth Paltrow and Claudia Bassols enjoy the culture, the people and most importantly the food that Spain has to offer. As a result of watching this show, I am now obsessed with making and eating pan con tomate on a daily basis. There are only 3 episodes left in the series and I will be sad to see it end.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The New York Public I love thee.

The New York Public Library is probably one of the most underrated places in NYC. I always tell anyone and everyone to take advantage of their resources. I find most people are reluctant to go because they are so used to paying for their entertainment. I say screw netflix, itunes and barnes and nobles. What other place in NYC can provide you with an endless selection of books, CDs, dvds...sometimes really hard to find stuff too...all for free? You can reserve materials online and they will even send you an email to let you know they are available for pick up. The NYPL is hip to the 21st more searching through the stacks for materials.

They even have a facebook cool is that!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Two of my favorite things....

Tom and Jerry cartoons and the music of Louis Jordan.

Monday, October 20, 2008

girlio etsy shop jewelry
Originally uploaded by thegirlio

Howdie Disco Citizens!

I've neglected my website for far too long. I now have an etsy shop...where you can pick up some cute items for your friends, family and yourself.

Please take a looksie. More on the way...