Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Holga how i love thee

I have a bad habit of not finishing a roll of film promptly and waiting to develop it years later. I finally developed the film in my Holga camera (there were only 12 shots but these photos are 1.5 years old) and these were the surprising results. Sometimes, it feels good to look back and not remember, where you were or what you were doing.

There are some really amazing color Holgas located at this Holga Flickr group.

I think it's time to take out the color film.

Monday, June 29, 2009

sew i do: Reversible bags giveaway!

I just discovered this lovely and talented lady's blog: Sew I Do via Burdastyle. My favorite bag is pictured above. Enter her contest for your chance to win one of her beautiful reversible bags: sew i do: Reversible bags giveaway!

Her blog is so inspiring!

Friday, April 3, 2009

Eco Totes

Eco Bags To Die For...
Eco Bags To Die For... by girlio on Polyvore.com

Lately, I've become reacquainted with several things I love to do: shopping and sewing. Though sewing doesn't come easily to me, shopping does. Since Spring has arrived, I have been looking forward to all the fresh produce that will be available at the Farmer's Market. The shopping totes pictured above are so cute. I decided to abstain from buying a bag and make my own since I had a ton of ripstop fabric (no pics at this time since my sewing skills need some serious practice). This helpful and inspiring video about making your own bag can be found here:

I have made several and plan to make some more for friends and family. Once you get the hang of making the simple tote in the video, you can easily start to customize your own bag to your preferences.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Amazing song!

Good things are happening! An update is on the way...